Jones Armadillo Lizard Care

Armadillo Girdled Lizard
Girdled Lizard

About Armadillo Jones Lizards

Subtropical lizard often found in South America. They are docile and tolerate handling, the more you handle them the better. This is best with warm hands. They are a social lizard so having one male with more than one female is often done. They bear live young, an unusual trait in reptiles.

Sleep Pattern: Diurnal

Max Size: 4-6 ½  Inches

Life Span: 8-12 Years

Habitat Requirements for Armadillo Jones Lizard

A 10 gallon tank works well, if you have more than one, a 20 gallon is then preferred. Moderate humidity, especially during a shed they may need a bit more. A nice hideout is good for them and as well as plenty of climbing branches and artificial plants.


Shredded bark or reptile liner


75-85˚F during the day, 70-78˚F at night and basking 90˚F

Diet for Jones Armadillo Lizards

Strictly insects. Avoid mealworms. They love younger, medium crickets, the occasional bee moth larvae is a nice treat. Adults may enjoy pinkie mice. Gut load and dust crickets with calcium powder to attain proper nutrition.


Provide a shallow water dish changed daily. Sometimes they do enjoy soaking.


Avocados, mushrooms, chocolate, alcohol and caffeine. Also, fumes from Teflon cookware.

Special Notes on the Jones Armadillo Lizard

These are one of the easiest beginner lizards for people to start off with.

NOTICE: *As with any pet, it is important that you find a veterinarian that practices in the certified care for your animal. This guide is general in nature and should not be used to diagnose your pet.

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