Easy & Rewarding Fundraising!
Alsip Home & Nursery has a solid reputation and long standing tradition of helping our surrounding communities for over 45 years. No matter what the season, we are excited to provide fundraising options that can be tailored to your organization’s needs.
Choose From 2 Great Fundraising Opportunities!
Earn 10% Back: Sell Alsip Gift Cards
Alsip Home & Nursery Gift Cards are an easy way to earn funds for your group. The gift card program is available anytime throughout the year and provides an extremely effective fundraising option. Gift cards are sold in denominations of: $10, $20, $50, and $100. Your organization takes pre-orders selling our gift cards at the face value. When your fundraising drive is over your group purchases the cards from us at a 10% discount. For example, your group sells $5,000 of gift cards your profit is $500.
Earn 30% Back: Sell Alsip Green Goods Cards!
Alsip Nursery is known for carrying The Best of Every Season and what makes every season great; beautiful flowers and plants! What better fundraiser then selling our highly acclaimed green goods for your group’s profit. Your organization will sell Green Goods Cards in denominations of $10, $20, $50, and $100 and in turn will earn 30% of the total amount sold! Green Goods Cards can be used on plant product only, and not on the other products or services offered by Alsip Nursery.
At the end of your fundraiser your customers will receive Green Goods Cards based on the value purchased. These cards can be used on literally thousands of options from our entire plant selection. Gone are the days of scheduling your volunteers to work a lengthy and hefty distribution. Your customers just bring their vouchers to either of our store locations providing them with a fast and convenient pick up!