Lasagna Planting Spring Blooming Bulbs

Ever wonder how to create weeks of beautiful blooming color using popular springtime favorites like Tulips, Crocus, and Hyacinth? Use the lasagna pot method to get the most bang out of spring blooming bulbs. Planting bulbs in containers offers a solution to gardeners who lack the space to create a full garden. Spring blooming bulbs can be grown in decorative pots to add accents to patios, decks and entryways. Bulbs planted in beds outside require little maintenance, however, with a few guidelines and commitment, container bulbs can prove to be equally as easy.

Lasagna Planting Step by Step:

Step 1: Choose a container with drainage holes and fill with 1/3 to 1/4 full with potting soil. Even the soil for your first layer of bulbs. Start with bulbs that need to be planted the deepest. Use the chart below to determine the varieties that will best fit the various depths.

Tips for Spring Blooming, Fall Planted Bulbs depth placement.
Use this handy Planting Guide from Netherland Bulb to determine the planting depth of your fall planted, spring blooming bulbs.

Step 2: After your first layer of bulbs, cover with several inches of soil and prepare your next layer of bulbs – hyacinth would make a great choice! Add more soil and complete with a final layer of smaller bulbs, like crocus. We recommend adding these to the outer rim of your container so the lower level bulbs can push through without little disturbance to the top. 

Step 3: You’ll now want to water your container thoroughly. Even though you’ve planted multiple layers, they’ll all grow naturally to the top. Now it’s just time to wait for their spring arrival!

Top 3 Reasons to Garden in Containers

  1. If you have limited garden space, containers make for a gorgeous display in the smallest of areas. Containers also provide extra texture, color, and variety to your garden.
  2. Using containers will help prevent animals from eating or digging up your bulbs. Most animals tend to stay away from patios or decks where people hangout.
  3. Pots and containers add extra color to your deck or patio before annuals can be planted safely. Bulbs start blooming as early as February or March, well before the last frost. Use annual containers to plant bulbs and extend color by several months.

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